December 30, 2023
First semester of seminary completed. I did pretty good! Certainly higher than my undergrad or MBA grade point averages. It’s good to be OLD and compelled by the subject matter. You just don’t have that perspective when you’re younger, and business is not a compelling subject — at least not in the same way. I’m in my element here.

I am always amazed so many of the dreams I had as a younger person have come true. I remember saying often if I could be a professional student, I would be. I’ve taken classes off and on throughout my life. Learning is so important to me, especially the aspect of exposing myself to new ideas and perspectives.
On another note, usually twice a year I take stock of my life, look at my progress, assess where I’m at. That happens around my birthday and at New Year’s. My 60th birthday SUCKED. I wasn’t in a good place in April. But guess what? I’m in an excellent, I dare say superb place right now.
This year is a Happy New Year!