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A Boring Update

Writer's picture: cocodensmorecocodensmore

April 5, 2024

OK let’s see. What’s new with me.

On April 12, I will have been in this apartment for four months. One third of a year. Weird.

I like this apartment and this place and this life more than anything I’ve ever had before.

This is the Kwanzan Cherry Tree in full bloom outside my window. My desk faces the window, so this is my view every day, most of the day. Pink is my favorite color. I feel like God knew I’d be here, in this place, at this time, and he made sure I could stare at a Kwanzan Cherry Tree in full bloom. It quiets my mind. It’s magical. I really love it. So so so much.

I still struggle mercilessly with depression. Wherever you go, there you are.

I can’t find a therapist. They either aren’t accepting new patients, or they don’t take my insurance. Sad.

I registered for fall classes this morning and got everything I wanted. History of Christianity in the United States, Intro to Christian Theology, Ethics of Care, and Interreligious Dialogue. Does that sound like fun, or what??!!!?? Well, I’m excited. Weird.

I looked at my textbooks and they’ll be about $200. Ugh.

I’m doing more computer work, marketing, cleaning up the database and whatnot at my part-time job. I haven’t put together manuals in a while, although I got very good at that and ended up enjoying it very much. I like the owner and my coworkers. It’s quite a lovely part-time job. I feel incredibly blessed to have found it.

Smoky the Pirate Cat has an Instagram. His ear is a little better, at times, I have to do that ear wash and he hates it. I would too. But I give him lots of treats after and he’s a pretty laid-back forgiving type of cat. He will need surgery, I’m certain. So, even though the rescue organization will cover the cost, I want to raise some money. The more I can raise, the more of their money can go to other rescues.

This is him after an ear wash. Poor guy.

Let’s see….

I haven’t had sex since August 2021. Well shit. Very weird. I hope it hasn’t fused shut or anything now that I’m over 60. Geez.

I don’t really care that I haven’t had sex. I don’t feel compelled to seek it out. It is accessible if I choose. I have willing and ready options. I simply opt not. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because I’m in seminary that I’m so disinterested. Because I'm tellin' ya, God and me -- we're tight right now. I hope it’s not because I’m old. I hope that’s not it.

I’m watching the Steve Martin documentary. I cannot believe my brother and I thought he was so funny, I mean, he was, but he was just all out silly goofy. And we were young. It was a good time with my brother. Before we hated each other so much. Sad.

That’s it!

I Persevere. And life goes on.


Coco Densmore, Author

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