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  • Writer's picturecocodensmore

You're Fucking Perfect

There are a few tenets I hold fast to, that define me and guide me in every decision I make.

I firmly believe that wherever you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. That’s true when you’re in pre-op waiting to go in for open heart surgery, and that’s true when the car salesman hands you the keys to your new convertible. It’s true in every moment – in the good times and the bad times.

There are no coincidences. The universe knows exactly what you need exactly when you need it. Everything happens for a reason.

You are creating who you are every moment of every day. You are continuously moving into the fullness of who you are meant to be.

To be really successful in the process of becoming, it’s important to examine your beliefs and get really clear on where you stand on the important stuff – relationships, love, sex, money, and there are a lot more, but you decide what those are for you.

Recognize your beliefs may change based on the things that happen to you, and the changes within you that inevitably occur with the passage of time. Be ready to reevaluate and make adjustments to your beliefs when they no longer serve you well.

Think about the legacy you want to leave when you pass onto the next plane. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to leave for those that remain? What do you want people to say at your funeral? Pondering on these things will help you hone in on your true purpose.

It’s also important to know your destiny – but that’s not something you can necessarily know through introspection, and sometimes it isn’t clear until later in life. So don’t worry too much about that one, just be open to the truth when the universe lays it on your heart.

Remember, you are unique in all of the universe for all of time. That means that every moment you are your own perfect YOU.

“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.”

-John C Maxwell



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