Spirit is my rock, my salvation, my eternal supporter and comforter. When She calls my name, I respond, “Hineni. I am here.”
She asks many things of me. She lays requests quietly on my heart. More often than not, I respond, “Hineni. I am here.”
I pray to Her, “Use me, make me yours, I am yours, you are mine, we are One.” She hears me. I know she hears me. I hear her hear me. I feel her hear me. We are One.
I am never alone, for She is with me. Always, She is with me. We walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, together, my hand in Hers. She comforts me. She sustains me. She propels me forward. She propels me onward.
I am not alone. I am never alone. She is with me. Always.
When She calls my name, I respond, “Hineni. I am here.”