Postmodern Theology February 13, 2024
Two Minutes:
“Perhaps one of the greatest difficulties in engaging in debate over radically opposed theoretical, philosophical or sociological perspectives is that of avoiding blind assertions that rest on belief rather than critical thinking. The temptation for each side to select the worst faults of its opponents for criticism is strong enough to lead the embattled away from any serious sort of engagement at all, or simply to dismiss each other as not worth talking to.” -Elizabeth Atkinson, The Responsible Anarchist: Postmodernism and Social Change
From our reading, it seems a key factor in postmodern thinking is an embrace of not knowing the answers. There is a wide range of human tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. Those with lower tolerance may find postmodern thinking threatening and may develop ways to limit the overwhelming amount of information coming at us every moment. Some people find a way to pare down that information to just what they need and can tolerate. One way of doing that is to avoid being confronted with ideas that don’t fit with our world view. Instead of regarding exploring plurality as an opportunity, some view it as a threat.
How much of the divide we’re experiencing in this country is a factor of the conflict between those who welcome the exposure and diversity inherent in a postmodern world view and those who are threatened by it?
Three Things:
Exploring the relationship between postmodernism and existentialism.
Exploring the relationship between postmodern thinking and tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.
Exploring the impact of a postmodern world view in terms of the current political environment.

Photo by Jonathan Harrison on Unsplash