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  • Writer's picturecocodensmore

And you let me kiss your neck and you said don’t give me a hickey and I said I won’t.

Oaks Day, Kentucky Derby Weekend

May 5, 2018


I was just avoidance sleeping and I had this best in the world dream about you. I was in your office and I asked you if you were still getting my emails. You didn’t say yes but it was clear you were and that you were reading them.

And then you let me hold your hand a little bit but not really but you didn’t pull it away. And you let me kiss your neck and you said don’t give me a hickey and I said I won’t.

And then I got down on my knees and I said, “I’m begging you, can we go back to the way it was before? When you emailed me just once in a while? Please? I’m begging you.” And you said OK. And it was the happiest moment of my life. It felt like Thunder Over Louisville only a thousand times bigger and better.

And then you put on your pink Derby jacket and walked out of your office. (OK, so I just made up that last sentence.)

I wish you all good things. You are Golden. You are Incredible. Be well.



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